Archive Timeline is out!
We’re glad to introduce you the first version of our Archive feature – Timeline. This is a beta development available for use starting from today. The timeline can be used to see what you have missed in the past 24 hours on any cams you like. It’s like the time machine – you select the moment in the past and start watching it like it happens now.
Archive Timeline is available for Premium users only. Become premium now or upgrade from Trial on the Payment page.
The Archive Timeline – is the first version of future Archive feature, which we continue working on. We have some improvements on timeline coming, with an addition of real-time popularity graph and ability to choose an exact absolute time on the timeline. Coming next you can expect such features as Videos – the renewable collection of the best moments from Voyeur House archive. The collection will be updated as soon as the new action happens on cams and you will be able to see the moments you have missed in the past. This feature will be available for Premium users only.
New apartment
We’re aware of anticipation on new apartment coming next, so be sure it won’t take long to appear live on your screens. Our boarding team is in process of last agreements with new participants. In addition to that, we have some big plans at the beginning of the new year – so expect more Houses to come soon 🙂