Frequently Asked Questions about Voyeur House TV and it's features
About Voyeur House TV
What is Voyeur House TV?
Voyeur House is a brand new voyeur project made just for you. Here you have a unique opportunity to be a part of the life of young, hot and sexy boys and girls living right next to you. You can find information about them on our web site or Twitter. Be sure to follow us on Twitter to get the latest information about their activities and pastime.
What can I do on this website?
You can choose any camera you like, change the angle of view and watch the residents enjoying their lives. The list of available cameras is provided on the right sidebar of the main page.
Can I watch your web site for FREE?
Yes, you can. You are very welcome to watch all cameras that are marked blue without any time restriction; you can find them on the right.
What features are available for paid accounts?
Paid accounts have unlimited access to all the cameras in every room/house including access to private cameras in bathrooms and bedrooms.
Where can I find more information about this project?
We always want to satisfy our viewers.
For faster communication between clients and us, we are using our Twitter account to provide you news, updates, and much more. In Twitter, we are ready to answer on any question.
How can I contact you?
If you have any questions/suggestions/propositions do not hesitate to contact us. Any feedbacks are welcome, which you think may help us improve our project.
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Participants and Houses
Who are the people we see on the website and according to what scenario do they act?
People you see online are not actors/porn actors, instead they are real people living their daily routine – work, fitness, parties, sex. There are no scenarios, no operators, no video edition or censorship – real life, real time. Each of these guys has his story and reasons, why he started participating in this project. Information about each person you can find on the web site.
Do these people know about the cameras?
Of course, otherwise it would be illegal. Our participants have signed special contracts and can leave anytime they want, so be sure that they feel comfortable in such conditions.
I’ve looked through all the cameras, but saw no one in the apartment. Where are the people?
Remember – real time, real life? Participants can be working, walking outside or simply shopping or clubbing. Please, do not panic and wait a little bit. We are always posting information, if our birdies will be out for a long time.
NOTE: please pay attention to your time zone, because it might be different from the one the people you are watching are living in.
How can I take part in Voyeur House TV?
We are welcome to everybody who would like to participate as habitant of VHTV. Please read here about advantages of being participant of VHTV. We are open to any suggestions and inquiries and would be glad to see you on board, no matter of religion, orientation and marital status
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Subscription and Payment
What payment methods are accepted?
You can pay with your Credit card, Paypal, Bitcoin. Join us to make a payment. In case you can’t find the preferred payment method among those offered, do not hesitate to contact Support.
How do I upgrade from Standard to Premium subscription plan?
Premium opens more features for our subscribers. To upgrade from Standard to Premium plan you need to follow this link and submit the payment. The days left on your Standard plan will be added to your new subscription plan.
How can I cancel my membership/subscription?
You can cancel your membership/subscription anytime at Verotel Customer Service/Segpay Customer Service or email Support.
I tried a few times to pay with a prepaid VISA but the transaction was always declined. Why do you do this?
If you are having this type of issue, you should contact Verotel’ support ( / Segpay’ support ( We DO NOT work with your money directly. We can’t block payment from anybody.
Can’t submit the payment via Verotel/Segpay. What to do?
If you can’t submit the payment via Verotel/Segpay system, we can offer you the payment alternatives: Paypal or Bitcoin. Choose the best option for you. Please email support and we will assist you ASAP in this issue.
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Technical Help
I’m having problems with playback
Each playback problem may be either unique or global. Before contacting Support, be sure to check our Twitter page to see if we are aware of problems and our tech department is fixing it at the moment.
VHTV has been tested to work perfectly with Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer & Edge. Our website works perfectly with mobile devices using any modern mobile browser
If you’re experiencing any problems with playback – please contact our Support to resolve the issue.
The stream is lagging and buffering. I see circle loader all the time!
In most cases the reson for playback to lag or buffer constantly is your internet bandwidth. Each stream at VHTV takes up 1.5Mbps, so be aware, that you need a least 3Mbps connection to wath VHTV comfortably.
Be aware, that we don’t provide HD quality and high speed playback to Free users. Consider joining Voyeur House with Trial/Standard/Premium subscription to switch to high-end servers with high speed connection. Our paid users don’t experience any lags with playback.
How does Timeline work?
Archive Timeline allows to Premium users only to navigate past 24 hours of any camera to see what they have missed. Just click anywhere on Timeline to jump back to past and watch this camera as if you were watching it back in time!
Timeline is in development right now, and it has it’s bugs and disadvantages while it’s in Beta. Be sure we’re going to give it a final look soon so you could navigate it easily
What are Archive Moments?
Archive Moments is a gallery of the most interesting videos from VHTV, stored forever at our gallery for you to enjoy. Being in Beta, Archive Moments will be available for Premium users only, no matter when they joined. As soon as it goes out of Beta, all Archive Moments will stay available for any existing Premium users, but any new Premium subscriber will be able to watch only those Moments, that were added since this user subscribed to Premium.
Please note: If you cancel your Premium subscription and re-subscribe to Premium in the future, you will loose access to videos that were added whle you were not subscribed to VHTV. And will be able to watch those videos, that were added within your active subscription periods. It is always beneficial for you to keep VHTV subscription active.
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Features included:
- All cameras access
- Save videos
- One-click player screenshot tool